Jan 2016
The Brief: Leverage the power of IoT to help solve California’s ongoing drought.
A Solution: Our solution aims to identify stretches along the aqueduct system that are most vulnerable to evaporation. This will be done by measuring real-time data of the various parameters that cause evaporation, via small devices floating on the canal itself.
After collecting and mapping this information, cost effective solutions like solar panel bridges or wind barriers can be strategically placed to bandage the most vulnerable parts of the aqueduct during
different times of the year.
As the drought in California continues into its 4th year drastic efforts have to be made to solve the crisis. It is estimated there is a loss of 9300 acre-feet of water per day simply through evaporation in the California State Water Project’s aqueducts.
In essence, Eva is a small solar-powered floating hydrology and meteorology lab. She is equipped to measure water temperature, dry bulb and wet bulb air temperature, pressure, relative humidity, irradiance, wind speed, wind direction and the certain chemical attributes of the water. These factors are used to calculate precise, instantaneous and localized values of evaporation.
Though Eva’s conception was inspired by the drought in California, her applications are global.